Saturday, July 22, 2006


Maybe everyone doesn't struggle with the problem of selfishness, if not, then you are the lucky ones. I confess to fighting that problem on a daily basis.

Lately, I have done some research on the effects of selfishness on marriage, relationships, work place inneractions, etc and there seems to be one common thread. Selfishness seems to be the root of all other transgressions. It is the greatest single enemy of a happy marriage. I realize that when I am at the center of my world, I am out of place and my world is out of balance.

Have you ever heard anyone say, "I am blatantly a selfish person". We try to cover it up like we would a worn spot on the carpet. At least we think we keep it "covered".

When I am struggling it helps me to remember Jesus and his totally unselfish act of washing Peter's feet. This also helps me give up resentment of doing things that I think are beneath my dignity. That gives me strength to take out garbage or whatever menial task that might need to be done.

We need to be aware that selfishness is never satisfied until it completely comsumes. The more it gets, the more it wants.

I must remember that when I do everything my way, I have no opportunity to learn from others. "My way" is undisciplined. Undisciplined people follow the path of least resistance.

Selfishness can cause the brick house to crack and it is useless to reset the bricks until the foundation is repaired by removing the cause.

I will end with a quote from Francis of Assisi:

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

1 comment:

Ger said...

Very Wise blog! Many times spouses may exchange "i love you" words, but when the love gets richly rewarding is when you catch yourself constantly watching for ways to encourage or help or cherish the other.
It doesn't take very many pages of Genesis to see selfishness replace love...and the disastrous consequences. The major plumb line I judge myself by is what I see in the life of Jesus, and the way He viewed-valued-treated others. Selfishness can be spotted real quick when laid up against that plumb line.