Saturday, July 15, 2006

Ayla's Cave

There will be nothing intellectually stimulating or even informative today except for catching up on clan activities here at the cave.

The Alien and I are getting geared up for the upcoming visit of some cubettes that we haven't seen in a while. We are ready except for a trip to the grocery store to stock up (have a three page list). Since the grandparents will be in charge with no parental interference, you can bet that there will be lots of goodies!!

Marbella got some good news (and some not so good) at the "eye" doctor yesterday. 20/20 vision in one eye but still complications in the other. Oh well, just a minor setback in the grand scheme of things. Nothing that another zap with a laser and more drops can't cure.

The tomatoes are continuing to produce and boy are they good. From this day forward I will never think of the word "tomato" without thinking about "Mater" in the movie "Cars" that one of our cubs recommended. This was such a wonderful movie, extremely entertaining without any profanity, sexual context, etc. Isn't that amazing? The movie industry should take note.

Hmm just sitting here and "bed bugs" just popped into my head. If one of the cubs don't beat me to it, guess I will have to do some research to learn more about them. Stay tuned.


emc said...

Ack! Good luck at the eye doc with the other one!

Got a movie recommendation for you too, this one was amazing. About a little girl and her family in New Mexico that reminded me in lots of ways of our childhood there. Not necessarily the specifics (tho some of those matched in weird ways) but the overall tone:

Off The Map

Ger said...

I can't allow myself to be distracted by bed bugs or by dust mites or any of the other parasites in life as long as ticks remain crawling around like vampires attacking at will!!

And I may have to go pick some more blackberries to swap you for some of those high dollar tomatoes!!