Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Cave News

This will be short (did you say thank goodness?).

Well, I finally listened to the cubs and decided to try fish oil. First obstacle to overcome was the Alien stating that he would be sleeping with Charlene Tuna. One witty cub reminded him that with his space helmet and arm brace on he probably wouldn't even notice. "Touche" However, my first concern was the wild, prophesy type dreams that I have would be intensified. Well I will let you help me judge that! Last night my dream consisted of me being an uncover agent for the drug administration and I was right in the middle of an operation gone bad. Now this is a first!!

The cubettes from the north arrived early this morning. It is so good to see them. I just pray for the energy to totally enjoy them!!!! They are precious cubs, so intelligent and full of energy. One is in the pool already, however, since they drove all night it is like the middle of the day to them.

I tell you we "ain't" seen nothing yet. This little energizer bunny may be the grandmother of all spiders. Yesterday, she just blew me out of the water. (Remember she just turned two) She was standing on the hearth looking at my Noah's Ark collection. I let her touch with one finger but since it is so fragile, she can't play with them. All at once, she picked up the giraffe and said, "Grammy, giraffe". I told her she could look but not play and reminded her of the rules. I was in the process of lifting her down and under her breath she muttered, "shut up" and when she saw I heard her she added "Casper" real fast. Now Casper was nowhere around so who would you think she was talking to?

I am leaving you now to go bake goodies for the cubettes.


Ger said...

This will definitely be an interesting week for ya..ROFL.
A marble you'll enjoy rolling.

emc said...

Ah man, nice save energizer bunny. I suspect it's those McP genes. I've noticed, over the years, that while they can get you in a lotta trouble a lotta fast, they can also save your butt. lol.