Monday, June 30, 2008

New blogger

We have added a new cubette to our list. His display name is Eoxian and his http is

Friday, June 13, 2008


Well, we made it home from a very wonderful vacation that included a special visit with family in Colorado. We got to meet some very special new family members. Our cub and his wife treated us like royalty. They should be careful, that makes people want to come back too often. Good food, good company, beautiful birthday cake for the Alien and too much more to mention. Thanks again to all of you precious ones.

We sure enjoyed Yellowstone. Our first attempt at watching Old Faithful didn't work out as it was so "blooming" cold that we decided to wait until the next day. This was a good decision since it was much warmer and no wind. However, there was one man that missed seeing the geyser go off as he was so taken with the little furry boys in their stroller. That was so weird, we had people stopping us and asking to take pictures of them. Of course, the Alien was beaming.

It was cold though and at our cabin at the Flagg Resort snow was piled up extremely high. The Alien and our cub still managed to walk down to the Snake River to pick up some rocks. She seems to be catching that bug from her Mom. While others are wanting to go to malls and movies, she and I are out searching for rocks. My only problem is the ones that I like the most are those that would take a "front end loader" to pick up. There were only two things we had wanted to do that the weather prevented though and that was we didn't get to float down the river or ride horses because of the cold and snow.

We have two young ladies spending the night with us tomorrow night. They are with a youth group from Houston that are visiting our church on a mission trip to the midwest. Our cub goes on her mission trip in July. I think she is nervous about being away from home but we feel it will be good for her.

Sunday is my day to do refreshments for our Sunday School Class. We have a very relaxed atmosphere. We go into our classroom, get coffee and which ever treats have been provided, then start our lesson. It is so enriching to have such a relaxed fellowship.

You know I have been thinking how divorces could be dealt with without all the ugliness, sadness, people taking sides, etc and I have come up with a solution. I wish I had thought of this when I was going through mine. It would have saved a lot of people (and me) a lot of grief.

When a couple has reached the point of no return (and it should not matter who did what) the law should require them to do the following: They should be taken to a small uninhabited island (except for a mediator living in the middle) and left there with one living on one side and the other on the other side. Once a day, they would have to meet in the middle with a mediator and hash things out. The wounded party (as they see it) could rant and rave, throw sand, cry scream and whatever it took to get it out of his/her system. The only requirement would be that the mediator make sure there was a fair and equitable division of the STUFF!!!!! Have you ever noticed how important "STUFF" becomes? I don't think anyone is that materialistic but it seems to be used as a punishment tool.

Then, they would have to meditate until they came to the conclusion that it didn't matter whose fault the divorce was. They were just as divorced no matter what. Next step was that they had to be able to come to the conclusion that it was not the end of the world but use it as an opportunity for a growing and learning experience. When they got to this point, they could re-join society and would be able to integrate back into life without all the bitterness and resentment.

The cub enjoyed getting to walk the "yellow brick" road. The funny part of this though is that as she gets older she will look back and that walk will become more special. Life is often like that when we don't realize how fortunate we are to be given each day.

The Alien has got the solar panels installed and hooked up so I am just waiting for the temperature to get a little warmer in the pool and then in I go.

Have lots of potential assistance in the works for the cub that needs a place to live and be as independent as possible. Hopefully something will turn up but in the meantime his older sibling is taking him in to live with him in his new rental unit. It is close to us so I can help out if the cub goes back on the road. Lots of things pending right now.

Not to worry, God will handle it. On that note, we are sending our love.