Monday, July 31, 2006

Cubettes and more Cubettes

We have changed the whole atmosphere here with the changing of the cubettes. I will bet you the Queen of England doesn't have such diversity with the changing of the guards. While two left Wednesday night, another one came with his friend and stayed a couple of days and was then transplanted with a cubette from the south. This is so interesting!! Even though we see some common threads, for the most part, these cubettes are so totally different. This makes for such an interesting visit with us getting a small sample of what makes them tick.

We had a family get together Saturday night for all to meet Ractoon and Kashia (oh by the way, as the Alien said, "She's a keeper".) We served brisket (missed you Mew) and boy it was good. Oh yes, we introduced Kashia to biscuits. You can imagine our surprise when we discovered she had never eaten them. We wonder what she will talk about the most from her visit, the shooting, fishing, mouses, different food or just how wild this house can get when it gets full of family.

Now onto the cubette here now, we are enjoying getting to know him better. Talk about a first, he gave me a unique experience last night. I was sitting watching my Ranger's play ball and got this text message on my cell. Remember I'm old school and never send or receive text messages. Anyway, this one said, "Toilet tissue please". After realizing the cubette wasn't in the room, I got the real MESSAGE. Needless to say the item in need was set outside the door. A short time later, my next text message, "Thank you". My how times have changed. Although there is one thing that never changes and that is the cubettes all teach us things in one way or another.

Well, I need more coffee to get me started for the day so will sign off now.


Ger said...

Thats hilarious, and clever but still fundamentally basic.

Ger said...

Thanks! I needed that.

Skrylar said...

It's amazing the things you can think of when you realize there is no toilet paper left, lol.