Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Day of Reckoning

Well its here, at times, I hate it because it has come so fast. At hours late in the day, it is welcomed. But whatever time it is, these little gamins will be sorely missed. We have totally enjoyed their visit and cherish the chance to get to know them better. While with a Grammy's perspective, I sometimes get angry at the unfair hand dealt them. However, this very hand may prepare them for a full successful life. When the oldest cubette tells us he wants to live here, we have to explain that it is different when you live here. There are chores, bedtimes, homework and all those other things that are considered inconveniences.

Out of the mouth of babes, the young cubette exclaimed when he saw "Papa George", "You never change, you look the same as when I first saw you how come you don't get older like Grandma?" We got a hearty chuckle out of this.

These past ten days that were full of swimming, birthday cakes, slushies, games and just plain old enjoying being together will come to an end when Gerbeans arrives to take them home.

We will quickly regroup and be happy though since more cubettes are on the way.


Anonymous said...

Seems like your cave has an endless stream of cubbies keeping you busy. Hope it leaves you some during the year to catch your breath!

emc said...

I think your gramlins are truly blessed to have touchstones like you and papaG in their lives. Just knowing there are people out there who love them simply for who they are, smother them with hugs and get teary eyed when they leave is something no amount of privilege can buy. The generosity of your hearts has never ceased to amaze to me.