Thursday, July 06, 2006

Life Span

I mentioned in an earlier blog that I would write the story of the marble lady at a later date. In preparation for this writing, I did some research to make sure I was using reputable facts and that research produced some information I would like to share with you.

The Japanese still live longer than anyone else. They contribute their long lives to moderation in eating and drinking. Other advice was early to bed, early to rise, religious faith and hard work.

Some people feel that the aging process dampens creativity and entrepreneurial activities. Others feel that the aging are at least as creative when old and when young - partly due to the freeing up of inhibitions.

We need to put our life in focus since, if most of us had been born in Zambia, we'd already be dead. And look at the males in Russia, they represent the only industrialized country that has actually had their life span drop.

We may avoid a major war in the next century. But the inevitable aging of people globally will cause problems beyond anyone's comprehension. On a lighter note, when your children were under foot, weren't there days when you said, "One day you will pay for your raising."

This brings me to the focus of my research and that is how to make sure that I appreciate my life to the fullest. Everyone has different techniques and mine will be the marbles.


Ger said...

Wow if that time of post is right, you're up EARLY today! I was finishing my project about then and thinking if I hurried I'd get my posting in before you got up..Not a chance..LOL.

One thing I do in regard to appreciating life, and I've done it as long as I can always have something exciting/enjoyable to be looking forward to or to be doing. Even if its just thinking about something I've been looking forward to thinking about. There is more fun stuff on my list than I can get to in this lifetime. )dang it(. I'm pretty sure that whenever my time comes, it will have snuck up on me because I'll be too engrossed to notice/accept it. A thousand years just wouldn't be enough, since I know it could easily have already expired for me...Each day I kinda feel like a kid sneaking into the cookie jar getting out yet another, then scampering back to my room to eat it. Each new day is like I got away with another cookie.

emc said...

Interesting post! Having know a few Japanese jeezers, I'd say the reports on this side of the pond are a little twisted :-) They aren't, as a whole, very moderate drinkers, their religion isn't what we think of as religion, more a respect of nature (shintoism) as divinity; I think the major factor is their diet. They typically eat lots of fresh vegetables, aren't too big on meat other than fish, eat smaller portions that us and get lots of exercise walking to and from the train stations from home to work and back :-)