Saturday, June 24, 2006

Mountain Cabin-Second Verse

My education is continuing here at the mountain cabin. Laundry is a challenge. For you young whippersnappers that have never seen a scrub-board you have missed something and if you never used one, well, you are just deprived. Anyway, that is what I had to use to do the laundry until one day the Ranger (The Man) told me that I could use the wringer washer in the shower house after the guys all left for work. That was such exciting news that I immediately gathered the clothes and set out for the shower house the next morning.

The first load went fair, I did have a small problem when I started putting the clothes through the wringer. Forgot to move my hand and sure enough it went through with the towel. Didn't hurt too much though since the smart washer people figured there would be people like me so it had a release on it and the wringer popped open.

I put more clothes in the tub and was feeling pretty proud of myself for getting all the laundry done. Sure enough, another small problem. As I touched the machine, I got an electrical shock strong enough to rattle my teeth. When I looked for the plug to unplug it, I saw the cord running right up over the machine into a contraption hooked to the light bulb. That one took some thinking, I knew if I reached up to unplug I would be touching the tub.

I got a chair and sat down to do some serious thinking. When I saw the broom in the corner, I got the idea to use it to knock the plug out. Sure enough it worked so I wrung the clothes out and went home to my washboard.

There is a third verse that I will bore you with another day.


Anonymous said...

with new dangers and new pains. But, probably still worth progressing.

Anonymous said...

Pretty interest'in! (For some reason though, I don't get any feeling of being "deprived" having missed that Although it may have prevented some cases of my best white shirts coming out pink or shrunk at various times.) My alien tells me about washing in streams with rocks and such (which she claims to have enjoyed, the risk there wasn't your fingers, she says, but clothes floating off downstream), but I'm pretty sure you guys are making all this up. I'm pretty sure Adam and Eve were using washing machines on the delicate cycle for their fig-leafs and such?