Friday, June 16, 2006


Friday, June 16, 2006
In case you have not met Casper, he is a very important member of our household. He is incredibly spoiled, loveable and very sociable. He is very loyal and loves his friend Riley. They play together and have so much fun.
We had to cancel the birthday party that we intended to give Casper and Kathryn was deeply shocked, she had assured us that she would `come. Matter of fact, everything Casper does is shocking to my sister Kathryn.
Another beautiful day here. If we can beat the birds to the tomatoes today, we might actually get to eat some vine ripened tomatoes.
Still enjoying the terrific grandson's visit. This week has gone by much to quickly.
I am still working on the marble story. It is profound so it takes a great deal of consideration in order to present it in the best manner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Casper!!