Thursday, June 22, 2006

Chocolate and Coffee

I knew this day would come if I perserved long enough and what a joyful day it is. Before I explain why I am so happy there are some things I need to share to set the foundation for my glee. As you know, there are lots of things that we have been warned about eating such as the following:beef - mad cowchicken - bird flueggs - salmonellapork - trichinosisfish - mercuryfruits and vegetables - insecticidesThat led me to the conclusion that it left chocolate and coffee. Now you are beginning to understand my excitement.

Did you know that now coffee helps prevent cirrhrosis of the liver if you drink? Of course I don't drink but who knows when I might start so need to be prepared right?

Now to the sweety tooth, its all my Dad's fault and of course it was his Dad's fault since they all had a sweety tooth. Of course, I inherited it from them and being heavy into family traditions I am trying to do my family duty to keep this tradition going.
This tradition often led me to do untraditional things to support the sweety tooth. When I was just a youngster, we were pretty poor in material things (rich in what mattered though) so I figured out a way to buy those milky ways. You see we had chickens that laid their eggs under the house where it was cooler than their nest. The older sibling that caused the demise of my milk business wouldn't crawl under to get them (too dark and scary) so it was up to me. She wouldn't carry them to the country store to sell them (too embarrassing) so you guessed it "yours truly" with her little bag of eggs took them and sold them for cash and then used that cash to buy milky ways. Of course, I shared them with the sibling, you thought I wouldn't didn't you?


Anonymous said...

You'll enjoy this then

Anonymous said...

I kinda figured if you did would at least have laid the sibling's milky-way under the house. But then again, ya wouldn't want her overcoming any fears that might ultimately lead to competition.