Sunday, August 06, 2006

Laziness Could Become a Habit

Over the past several days, we have been exploring different character traits (or lack thereof). Now I haven't seen one on laziness so maybe some wise cub will address this. All my life I have been warned about "idle hands". Well I am confessing that they must not be all bad because for the past two days I have done nothing but eat, sleep, play on computer and of course see to nature's business. I am here to tell you that it ain't half bad! Matter of fact, it has felt down right delicious. I could get use to this real fast. It took three naps yesterday to get me through the day, hee hee.

The Alien hasn't been so blessed. He spent a few hours yesterday helping a friend with plumbing problems. He is gone now to give water to the turtles his boss collects. The boss is out playing somewhere. I encourage him by reminding him of the "idle hands" theory. The looks I receive as I spout all this good advice (while sitting in my chair eating chocolates one cub brought) are good warning signals, they are like a blinking red light. I better stop!!!!

Next week is pretty well planned. I am taking Monday off since it is a holiday in Canada and just in case I have some Canadian heritage somewhere along the line, I sure want to be respectful. Especially since it is a "Civic Holiday". Tuesday, the cub enrolls in school much to her chagrin. She tries to get me to home school but she really does not know how fortunate she is that I will not do that!! Wednesday, the cub goes to the doctor for a checkup. Then Thursday, we go shopping for school clothes. I probably have all this backwards. I should take her shopping first and then if I don't wring her neck we will do the rest of the stuff. She is happiest when looking like a rag muffin with hair pulled severely back and tied up. No way, I waited too long for a girl to dress. Like it or not, she will be dressed as fashionable as her peers!!!!! Not sure just when school starts but must confess that I am "almost" ready. Although to the cub's credit, she is probably one of the lowest maintenance critters you could have.

The Alien and I entertained ourselves several hours last night looking up cruises. Knowing full well that we will probably never take one, it was still fun. The cost is probably not as prohibitive a factor as leaving our little fur ball.

My Rangers are getting ready to play ball and they would be deeply hurt if I am not in my favorite chair watching and cheering them on and yelling at the umpires.

Meet you here on another day - thanks for the visit -


emc said...

"How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterward." - Spanish proverb

I always liked this saying; it's harder than it sounds! (I think there is a difference between doing nothing and being idle, lol.)

BTW, have you had a chance to listen to the Practice of Now yet? :-)

Marbella said...

No, I am waiting until my brain gets recharged, lol

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are getting some long overdue rest. As for home schooling, I think many have ideas that it will be much more of breeze than it turns out to be. Sometimes I think parents tend to dive deeper into subjects and leave little room to "hide" in the back of the class...

Ger said...

You may have to plan the cruise for sometime when energizer bunny and her mom are off a week...i bet that mighty mouse chaser would be well cared for...