Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Hot, Tired, Hungry and Sore

Yep, that pretty much covers the condition of the cub when she came home from her first day of Junior High and her first day of softball practice. After she hit the showers, our ears were kept busy hearing all about the day. In spite of two large bruises on her leg (that caught the ball for her) she seemed to really enjoy playing ball.

The sibling and spouse had a wonderful fishing trip and caught their limit of strippers in a pretty short time. I think they are ready to go again but want us to go next time. We are agreeable to that if we can work it in.

When I heard this strange but familiar large noise last night, I emerged from the cave to investigate. Sure enough, it was thunder. It had been so long!! I think it was just a teaser though since we just got a little more than a sprinkle. However, we are encouraged that it has found us again.

The energizer bunny is not real happy at daycare. It seems she misses her Grammy. Since Grammy is on the list of people that can take her out of the center, Grammy is plotting. She is going to do just that on Thursday after her doctor's appt and she and the cubette will get into all kinds of mischief.

Well, I am off to town to finish shopping for school supplies and athletic items that the cub needs. Do you think I would win any prizes for making Medicare and PTA at the same time? Just my luck though with the number of grandparents raising their grandchildren these days that I would not be the first. Oh well just a thought!! Have to get my claim to fame somewhere else I guess. Be kind


Ger said...

Hope you enjoyed that day of rest you called the "first day" of school...sounds like your agenda is stacking up again fast..LOL..I can't imagine you having it any other way for long.

emc said...

So how come all the girls in this family are jocks?!

Sounds like sis had a good time in school and as for energizer bunny, I think it's good to get her hooked up with other tykes that are vibrating at the same frequency she is, lol.