Sunday, July 06, 2008

July 4th

The clan had a wonderful and peaceful 4th (that is until it became dark). I have to admit that we had a great selection of fireworks. I prefer those that go high into the air then explode and shoot all colors and shapes of beautiful lights. We had lots of those.

We had a day of swimming, lots of eating, lots of eating, did I say lots of eating? Steak, corn on the cob, hashbrown casserole, etc etc The day before, I made home made ice cream. Boy was that an experience!! What should have taken 30 minutes to one hour took me almost three hours. As most of you know, there are certain limitations in the use of my hands that I choose to ignore. Well, there always comes a time when this just doesn't work. I spend at least one hour trying to lift the bucket (with the little knob on the bottom) into the freezer bucket with the indention that little knob is supposed to fit in. Then to make matters worse each time when I couldn't make the connection and had to lift the bucket out, the lid would come loose and that is another tricky area to turn it just right to get it to lock. Not to worry, Hitler didn't get rid of all the Germans there are still some of that stubborn species left. To make a long story short, the ice cream was delicious!!!

Cubette D, Alien and I had a busy day yesterday. I tell you this Cubette can sure work. He helped us so much. We got some patio blocks at Home Depot and came home and he and the Alien made me a small patio at the front door of my playhouse. I am having lots of fun with the playhouse. It is good therapy. Besides there are no TVs or telephones out there!!

We have a very busy week coming up. Cub G is helping out and taking the cubettes home on Tuesday morning. Tuesday night, the Alien and his daughter have tickets to go to the city to the Jonas brothers concert. He says he is taking ear plugs. Wednesday, I take her back to Sylvan for another tutoring session then Friday we get her clothes ready for her to leave on Saturday for her mission trip. I have already warned that I might stay in bed the entire week she is gone!

You know we give if "something can go wrong it does" a whole new meaning. Last Wednesday, the Alien took our cub for tutoring and then he took she and the cubettes on to the amusement park in the city. He has a broken "middle" finger so as they were driving in the city, he took a drink of his soda and of course the finger stuck out since it has a metal brace on it. Anyway, the driver next to them thought he was flipping him off and one of the cubettes just knew they were about to experience a road rage incident. Fortunately nothing happened. The Cubette asked what he would have done if the person came after him and the Alien said, "I am old and have good insurance so I would just have rammed him off the road". Oh well.

I have probably bored you beyond comprehension so will just use my fingers to hold my coffee cup.

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