Wednesday, December 02, 2009

"Tis The Season"

As usual, the closer it gets to Xmas, the more excited I get. This is such a special time of year just to get to be with family and celebrate this special time. The Alien even is getting "some" of his spirit back. We went to Walmart the other day and he came out with some outside decorations. Nothing of the magnitude that he used to put up but it does brighten up the place.

Okay, now down to the necessities, we have all the food and goodies that an army could eat already in the freezer and pantry so hope we don't hurt any feelings when we say that we will do the cooking this year. Also, if it is okay, we will do the same kind of present exchange that we did last year. Now that means no EXTRA presents for the host and hostess!! If we want to make changes and draw names for next year then we can do that while everyone is here.

Our Cub got her class ring this week. She is so proud of it. However, she still won't drive her jeep. We don't push it as we figure when she is ready she will. We have to go shopping this Saturday for a Christmas dress for her to wear to her school's Christmas dance. Her Dad is going to stroke out before its over I am afraid. He is already having bad dreams, lol

Well, I had better get to bed so I can be up and at it in the morning. Take care -

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harada57 said...
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