Wednesday, May 07, 2008

"Impress your Doctor"

Have you ever been tempted to try to impress your doctor? Well, of all my ambitions, that is not one of mine. However, it would probably be a futile endeavor after the impression I made on mine yesterday. The Alien took me to Tulsa for the annual "ticker" checkup. This young whippersnapper decided that I was not resting well at night so he said, "I am bringing G in for some questions and you have to grant him immunity for any answer he gives me". Then, he began asking lots of NOSY questions such as do I snore, (no), do I quit breathing at times (yes) etc etc. Finally, it became my turn and he started asking me questions. He ask such things as do you fall asleep sitting in your chair, etc. Now, I realize I should have told him that this appointment was right in the middle of my daily nap time but just don't feel like sharing EVERYTHING with him. As it turns out, I didn't have to. All of a sudden, G was shaking my arm and when I awoke both he and the doctor were just cracking up laughing. It seems right in the middle of the answer, I shut my eyes and "mouth" and went to sleep. It is totally his fault. I have always been bored stiff to talk about my ailments. You add that to me missing my nap and it is totally understandable that I would react in that manner.

My vacation list is growing steadily. It now covers most of an erasable board. Its not that I will be doing that much but just find it easier to write it all down hee hee.


emc said...

That's too funny! I could see it though, if it happened around nap time with all that talk of sleep and such, lol

Ger said...

A classic.

Anonymous said...

check this blog