Friday, February 16, 2007


Recently, I read a blog concerning grapettes. Just for the record, they were created the same year of my birth. Also, that was the very first soda that I can remember drinking. Won't drink the new versions since they are not in the original bottle. Set in my ways or just don't want to spoil good memories!!


emc said...

Ah neat, I didn't even know they still made them. I'd be willing to risk it :-) But, I know the feeling. I read a book in about 5th grade or so called "A Wrinkle in Time" that absolutely rocked my world. I bought it later as an adult, still have it, but don't think I want to read it again because it would be hard to be that magical and I don't want to sully the memory!

Anonymous said...

I'm the same way with funerals. I don't go to them because it taints the persons presence in my mind.

Remember "Mr. Pibb"? You can still get it in some rare places and I have to every time I see it just for nastalgic value.

~ Tao