Monday, July 27, 2009

"Lots about Nothing"

Last week the Alien had volunteered to take two pies to work. Now he had every intention of making them himself but when I saw he was going to use instant mix to make a coconut cream pie and banana pie, my vanity kicked in and I was afraid they would think "I" made them so I got busy and made them from scratch. I have to admit after all these years I have never been able to get my meringues to look like the restaurant pies. Well, I just got on the old dependable internet and watched a video of how to do them. I am happy to say, I have now learned how to make them. They were an instant hit and they had George call me and tell me that they would be glad to eat any more pies that I needed to "get rid" of.

We had little Grace Kelly for the weekend. We kept her pretty busy. A trip to Braums on Friday night (when it should have been bedtime), a trip to Aunt K's on Saturday to play with cousins. She also got to see a "real" deer right beside the road, plus cows and horses. This plus swimming twice and helping her Grandpa give the furry boys a bath sure seemed to make her ready for bed early. After a trip to Church on Sunday, a trip to Wal-mart for two new outfits for school (which she promptly put on one of them) and an afternoon of watching movies with Resa, we took her home to Norman.

We took the cub's jeep to the paint and body shop today to get the hood painted. It is in otherwise excellent condition "body" wise. Her school starts in two weeks but we are ready. We started early.

The Alien is having a biopsy done as soon as they get it scheduled. They found a nodule on his prostate and are being cautious. It will be done in OK City as an outpatient.

My heart and mind are more at peace as I am trying very hard to practice the serenity prayer. It is still very hard when such dire untruths can potentially do so much damage.

The Alien has finished making his peach jam. I think the reason for him to get in such a hurry was the rate that I was eating them. I have been on these eating binges of just eating one thing, meal after meal and day after day until I get so sick of them. I have discovered that I cannot eat lettuce on my bologna sandwiches anymore or my favorite paydays. Now if chocolate starts upsetting me, I will just fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I take the Cub next week for her contacts. She is going to be so relieved to put her glasses up.

So long for now.

1 comment:

emc said...

Nice update, you guys do stay busy! I think you took to the internet the way Maude (Harold and Maude) took to cars, lol.

If pappaG can't keep up with the demand for peach jam, or you switch to another flavor, let us know we'll try to help preserve your supply.

Resa and a Jeep eh? I think that fits :-)

Your comment on the serenity prayer reminded me of a book I just started reading, so far pretty good, entitled Five Things We Cannot Change