Sunday, January 18, 2009

"Time Flies"

I have come to the realization that time flies (whether you are having fun or not, lol). I can't believe today is the 18th of January already.

The Alien has had his share of "bugs" these last few weeks. Told him to use "Raid" but he didn't listen!!! Fortunately, they have missed me so far. That is one advantage of having a plate full already, nothing else can fit on it easily.

We had a wonderful day today. Great services at Church then our small group met for potluck. I fixed a certain curry chicken dish (again) that one of the cubs made while here Xmas. It was definitely a big hit. I had already made it once for us last week. We have such a wonderful group that are truly Christians in heart and spirit. We (the group) are in the process of helping a young single Mom with a son in the hospital (they go to our church) then we are taking up a money collection for a family (that don't go to our Church) that lost their home in a fire and have no insurance.

Yesterday, we went to a discount place at Stringtown to get carpet for the travel trailer. The last tenant sort of did a number on it and the carpet was already older so it got pretty bad pretty fast. Then we went on to visit the C's. I treasure each time we get to visit as I simply don't think B will be with us much longer.

The Cub living with us has been hired by the Oklahoma Highway Department. He will start next Tuesday or Wednesday. Think he is pretty excited about it.

The NE cub is supposed to get out of the hospital next week. Keep him in your prayers. Gerbeans has been down with the flu bug but is doing better.

Will hush for now and hope that the clock's battery gets low so time won't go so fast!

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