Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sad Day - Chocolate Pie vs Humpty Dumpty

There are some things that can be fixed easily. For instance, there was a grandson that was about to experience a "sad day" because someone had eaten the last piece of Grammy's chocolate pie that he had anticipated would be his. Grammy could fix that and did simply by just making another chocolate pie. Wouldn't it be wonderful if broken lives could be fixed so simply.

If you are familiar with the poem "Humpty Dumpty", then you can relate when I say that I can visualize just hundreds and hundreds of tiny pieces laying strewn all around. About now you are asking what does chocolate pie and Humpty Dumpty have in common? Well, one can be fixed and the other can't. Maybe it was Humpty's choice to fall off the wall and maybe it wasn't, however, he was still broken.

Please tolerate my rambling and maybe all of this will tie together in the end or maybe not.

One passage of scripture that keeps ringing in my ears is "Judge not that you not be judged". I am really struggling with that statement in dealing with the concept of addiction. Again, Humpty comes into play as you watch a loved one's life break into hundreds of pieces and blow into the wind. Please don't say "It is their choice", I am not sure that is true but even if it is, remember the judging part! You know to fully understand the depths an addiction can affect families you just have to remember Humpty. Nobody is spared. Spouses, siblings, parents, children , the person addicted, absolutely nobody.

Compassion without enabling is a monumental task. I for one don't claim to know just how to do this. I do know that when I drove out from a pasture yesterday after seeing a loved one alone, drunk, sad and with as tender a heart as a person could have, my heart felt like Humpty Dumpty. Judge not lest I be judged!

1 comment:

Ger said...

maybe watch "off the map" oldest sibling recommended the movie to me, was pretty interesting watching different kinds of lives unfold...