Saturday, November 17, 2007

Run Turkey Run

Do you suppose the unsuspecting turkey is aware that their time may be limited. Do you suppose they would change anything if they knew? I often wonder that about people. Would we change anything if we had warning that our days were almost up? I bet there are not many "thanks" being circulated at the turkey farm. Hopefully there will be many at the people places.

All these morbid thoughts are caused by my persistent dreams lately that involve people close to me that are deceased. The weird thing is that memories come with the dreams that I had not thought about in many years. For instance, last night, I was visiting with my Pa and Granny Mc and for some reason Pa sent me into the house to get Granny's shoes. On the way in I kept thinking how will I know which shoes are hers since there was a house full of people. When I got inside, I went to this pile of shoes and immediately spotted Granny's shoes. You see, she ran over her shoes on her right foot badly and the first shoes I saw were in this condition. Now I had not thought of what her shoes looked like in 50 years at least. That is just too weird.

I have decided that all this medication for this respiratory infection is affecting my mind more than my body, lol.

Speaking of turkeys, we are looking forward to Thanksgiving. Don't know for sure how many will be here but it doesn't matter as we will have plenty of food.

Sending much love and good wishes to all the cubs, spouses and cubettes for the holiday.

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