Saturday, June 23, 2007

Rain, Rain, Rain and more Rain

I promised last summer that if it would just rain that I would never complain about it being to wet. I am hereby confessing that after more days than I can count of constant rain that I am on the verge of complaining. The streets in town have been closed at different times these past few days due to high water. Our grass is quite tall because it is so wet we would lose the mower if we tried to mow. We are about to have to drain some water out of the swimming pool, the dogs are growing webbed feet, get the picture? If so, maybe you will be tolerant when I "gripe".

We just spent three weeks with a cub and his cubettes from up north. I tell you these cubettes can grow faster than the weeds in our yard. What is even more amazing than their physical growth is their intellectual growth. Our family has been richly blessed with exceptional cubettes. They are so entertaining!! We have been lucky to have summers with different cubettes here and to see and enjoy the variety of their personalities is absolutely priceless.

The Alien is on the jelly making wagon this summer. He helped the cubettes make some plum jelly then he designed a cute personalized label for their jars. He and D went to a friend's house and picked the plums. What was so funny was that when told to prepare their things to go home, they got the jelly first before the X-Box and all the other electronic toys. They made it home safely.

We miss them dearly but have to confess that getting back to a normal routine is not all bad. I guess God made it this way to keep grandparents from being too sad when the little ones leave.

The furry boys are lost. They had constant attention while the kids were here. Even the furry ones have slept for the better part of two days now lol.

We have a birthday party to go to this afternoon. Its hard to believe the great grand daughter is soon to be three. How time flies.

Has anyone done research to see if the brain can really shrink? On that note, I will say goodbye.

1 comment:

emc said...

Sounds soggy!! Glad you guys weathered the rendezvous, looking forward to seeing those not so little tykes around xmass we hope.

As for shrinkage... yeah; everybody's starts to shrink after young adulthood; mens' faster than women. But, the shrinking is not about losing brain cells, rather dendrites. It's not linked to any effects on memory or thinking (check here and here.

Dendrites are part of the branches between neurons and are physical counterparts to the number and ways ideas connect in our heads. I think as we get older there's a tendency to take a "been there, done that" mentality which keeps up from exploring our own connections, acquiring new ones, re-evaluating old ones,etc. and this habituation is the reason the connections start pruning themselves. I've been meaning to blog about some interesting ways of changing this tendency.