Monday, March 26, 2007

"Spring, it is a comin"

We were blessed with such a beautiful weekend. The trees are all budding out and the weather is so wonderful. The Alien worked in the yard getting the first mowing and clean up started. Today, after work, we went to the garden center and picked up geraniums and a hanging basket of petunias. The spring fever is hitting and believe it or not, I actually feel like participating in the sprucing up (on a limited basis).

We are totally enjoying our new addition. Frosty has such a delightful personality that he keeps us laughing most of the time. He loves to be rocked so hopefully when he is adopted, his new family will rock him to sleep (you think?)

Our Cub is taking horse back riding lessons. She goes every other week. Hopefully, this will be a good outlet for her. She tired of the guitar lessons quickly.

Thanks for the visit!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonder if you could use a child rocking chair and teach Caspie to rock the new addition?

Glad to hear you are feeling better, Spring Fever causes much less worry than any other fever...