Saturday, August 26, 2006

Madder than a wet hen

Well, they did it! I really didn't think they would have the nerve to demote Pluto. I may never look at the planets again. I can assure you that Pluto is NOT a dwarf planet to me. I am mad, so damned mad that I could bite a penny nail in half. Just because Pluto was so slow that he had not completed his orbit since his discovery in 1930, the powers that be decided that he was not to be called a planet but a dwarf planet. Mr. Tombaugh would be very sad today. Especially since this is the only planet that was discovered by someone in our country. The finishing touch was the comment that "its not personal, its just business" well I certainly took it personal. Evidently a precious few made this monumental decision as out of the 2,500 astronomers attending the meeting, only 300 actually showed up to vote.

I would like to suggest that when these 300 astronomers slow down to the point that they can no longer perform as a "celestrial vacuum" that their title be changed to "dwarf astronomer".

I shall not address this subject again. Arent' you proud?

1 comment:

emc said...

Well personally, I am entertained by your passion in this under-appreciated subject matter Marbella. I had no idea such shenanigans were afoot until reading your blog. Thanks for the info, you go girl! I have some thoughts on pluto as well that I think I'll post later since you've inspired me.