Saturday, August 23, 2008


I know this is a strange title for a blog but it will make sense later on.

Have you ever gotten a strange and "obnoxious" scent in the house? You looked and looked and couldn't figure out where it came from. You even scolded the furry boys several times thinking they had made deposits in obscure places.

You burned candles, sprayed febreeze and did everything but power wash the room and to no avail. Just as you thought about putting the house on the market to get away from this "smell" you happened to notice a large white bag full of SOMETHING that the Alien had brought in and forgot to take to the storage shed. Are you one step ahead of me? Yep, that was the culprit. He had bought a bag or organic manure to use on the outside plants. Oh well, one thing about it, we do have variety at this place whether good or bad it is mostly funny.

1 comment:

emc said...

I'm glad you found that before christmas ;-)