Thursday, April 26, 2007

Scientific Phenomenon

Well, I have done it again, messed with Mother Nature by becoming a mother at age 68 . This time to a little white fur ball that moves about 35 miles per hour and is not potty trained (yet). What must I have been thinking. Ahh there is the key, not enough thinking!!!! I have to admit this little critter is a ton of fun and maybe just maybe enough fun to make up for the utter choas he has thrown this household into.

A lot may be said about our home, ie not clean enough, not big enough, not fancy enough but I guarantee you one thing they cannot say and that it is too quiet and boring. While you may hear me long for "quiet and boring", it is obvious by my actions that I truly don't desire q&b.

In spite of all the cubs efforts to keep my marbles in tact (even to the point of buying a t-shirt), I just keep finding ways to scatter them. There is a strategy in all of this. You see, it keeps them on their toes to try to keep the marbles in one place. Since they are goal oriented cubs, I make sure that I have a goal available in case they run out of their own. Now you know my secret.

We have a fun weekend planned. We are having a surprise birthday party for BD. We will be cooking hamburgers outside, eating cowboy beans and having a carrot cake. Vand R will be here and maybe R's new lady friend. R is doing much better and seems to be improving gradually. My sibling was a little hesitant about his new friend until I convinced her that God intended for us to be "fishers of men not inspectors of fish". She actually started relaxing a little and being a little more flexible. See if you young whippersnappers just give us time, we get it on the right track (or else lose the track completely).

We did lots of work in our back yard last week. Hopefully, A will get the new canopy put on the deck tonight. I love to sit out there and drink my coffee early in the mornings. The Alien water proofed the deck and I sanded and did part of the painting for the yard swing and park bench. Had to quit as the paint fumes were getting to me (or so I told them, lol) You know there is good in everything, I even find good uses for the COPD, Asthma and Chronic Bronchitis. Just don't tell anyone.

I must get busy, have one more day to clean in the Cub's room. Have worked on it for three days so far. She is having to use the guest bedroom so I must hurry or she will have it destroyed too.

My flowers are looking pretty good. The hot weather isn't here yet though.

Thanks for the visit.

1 comment:

emc said...

Hey, hope you guys have a good weekend with BD and clan, wish him a happy birthday for us, I'll be looking for a "choice" card for him this weekend, heheh; glad to hear that R is picking up.