Last Sunday, we traveled to Oklahoma City and picked up our very first "foster" westie. He is about seven weeks old and came from a puppy mill which is not a good environment! He is doing real well here and seems to be adjusting quickly. He is very spirited and drives Casper nuts. He literally runs circles around Casper and nips at him. His favorite thing to chew on is my foot! It will be real nice when he begins to sleep all night. It usually takes one to two trips outside in the wee hours. We have him in a playpen in the dining room for sleeping. He is available for adoption unless we decide to keep him (don't tell George).
Oh by the way, I am doing really well. Can even talk (if I don't do much giggling) without too much coughing. Checkup again next week so don't anticipate any problems. Just don't have time for this sickly business.
Will visit more later. Bye all
Excellent to hear you are doing better Marbella! And what a little cutie you got there! I have a feeling he may be hanging around for a while ;-)
How brightly life burns in those little eyes
How cute he is!!
This is the third recent diary/blog I read of the older dog getting kind of weary of a new arrival pup.
One of them had to shake his tail hard to get the new puppy off.The puppy was hanging onto old one's tail by biting onto.
Of course the pup likes to fly into the air, she would repeat it. hahaha....
Glad you can talk now. Only direction now is to the complete recovery.
↑It was me, brighteyeys.
That is one adorable little cotton ball. I agree with K, I can see that one sticking around.
Wonderful to hear of your recovery, we were all pulling for you.
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