Monday, February 26, 2007

Goooooood Morning

Hopefully everone had a nice weekend. We certainly did although the best part was that it was totally unproductive!! We have a beautiful day today. The sun is shining and believe it or not, the wind is not blowing. How much luckier can we be?

I am getting ready to make cookies for the Compassion Outreach Center that our Church sponsors. We have volunteer doctors, nurses, etc staffing it one night each month and people who need it are given services and free medicines. We also provide a meal. Yes, First born cub, my cookies will be home made. For those of you unfamiliar with this story, my oldest cub kept volunteering me for cookies everytime they had a school party. One day his teacher called me and she was laughing until she had trouble talking. She said, "When I asked for cookies and K raised his hand, I said, your Mom does them all the time" and to this he replied, "Oh but she doesn't care and besides hers are always home made".

I have a confession of weakness to share. You know we are told in the Bible to be content in whatever state we are in and usually I don't have a problem with this. However, right now I am struggling. I need strength. You see, last week I went to my regular beautician for a haircut and perm. To emphasize how bad the cut is when the Alien looked at me, he said, "How come your hair is lots longer on one side than the other?" Now you know it must be bad for him to notice as usually I can get two haircuts before he notices it the first time. Then my older sibling and spouse came yesterday and when they saw it, they tried hard to hide their faces and were pretty successful until I turned around and they saw the back. My sibling said, "You should have gone with Casper and let them do your hair". I may be like Mrs. Beans and have to get a wig until it grows out. The Alien might be surprised when he comes home and all the mirrors are off the walls.

I have a funny story to share with you. The Alien's library is his bathroom. When he orders books from Amazon, he orders several. I though he was keeping the new ones in the rack in his Bathroom. When I got in the house cleaning mode (which isn't too often anymore) and cleaned our bedroom thoroughly I would take the stack of books off his dresser and put them in the book cases. Sure enough some time later, here would come a new supply of books. Finally, I said, how are you reading so many books? He said, "I am not, I think I have lots of new books on my dresser and then when I go to get one, they are gone so I just think I am out again so I order more". I said, "Well, all those on your dresser have been moved to the book case". He found many new books there that he had not read. Now I know not to move the "stack" lol

Thanks for letting me visit - you are in my prayers -


emc said...

*Ahem* I think you got volunteered cause someone knew they'd at least have some good cookies; and there may have been some left over :-)

I bet if you died your hair blue nobody would notice one side was longer than the other??

As for Amazon, that place is of the devil(!) I have a "wishlist" that is 48 pages long, lol. Thanks for the update!

Ger said...

I tell ya, my stacks get moved I end up buying the same thing, over and over and over...and one of these days....