Monday, July 10, 2006

Adobe Hacienda

You will find nothing inspirational here just some reminiscing of happy days gone by. I think God gave me the mediocre brain to keep my cubs better grounded since they all have "super" intelligence.

Many moons ago, we transferred to this place called Coyote. I should have been prepared to expect anything with that name. We anxiously awaited the arrival of the moving van with all our furniture, and waited and waited and waited. This was in the winter and sleeping on pallets on the floor are not the most desired arrangements. Come to find out, the driver had quit, put our furniture in a warehouse in Idaho and nobody knew where it was. Several days, 11 to be exact, went by and finally we saw the van. All we could think about was, "Oh boy, tonight we will have our beds". Wrong!! The van blew a tire about three blocks from our house. He had to call out a repair truck and it was the next day before he got to unload.

This was a unique little community. We had no telephones,televisions, daily newspapers and only got mail three days a week and that was if the postmaster wasn't mad at the agency.

We were amazed at the things you can to in an adobe house. A lot of the native women there would occasionally decide to relocate the fireplace so they would just dig it out, fill the hole and put it somewhere else.

This house had a fireplace in the living room, bathroom and both bedrooms. Doesn't it sound awesome, build a fire in the bathroom, turn out the lights and soak in a hot tub. It was!! Until the fire died down and the cold air started whistling down the chimney. It got below zero most of the winter there.

We had a porch with log rails around it. The patron of the district did not have children and so when he gave one of our cubs a real tool set (although a small size), he was totally shocked that the first log sawed was one on the porch railing. But when he chased the frog down and gave it to cub #2 and after a big thank you, this cub laid it down and smashed it with a rock, this guy turned green and it didn't help matters when I couldn't stop laughing. Felt sorry for the frog but felt it got a more humane departure than the one left in the jean's pocket that went through the washer.

Enough rambling for one day.


Ger said...

ROFL...gotta hear more about this little towns events.

emc said...

Ah man, I want a fireplace in the bathroom! I didn't remember that. I do remember that ranger didn't seem to like me much. And an old mexican man that I used to talk to alot that taught me how to find these plants that tasted like mints, which I munched on from then on. And I remember locking myself in that bathroom cause I was pissed at something or another, heheh.

Nice story M.